About Us

Newrise Technosys Pvt. Ltd. was Founded in 2010 by people who believe in creativity and rely on creativity. We firmly believe that for any organisation to survive and succeed there must be reasonable beliefs underlying all policies and procedures.

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That Rely on Our Expertise 

Blockchain Consulting

Consult with clients to understand their business needs and determine the feasibility and potential benefits of implementing blockchain technology.


Smart Contract Development

Develop and deploy smart contracts using blockchain platforms like Solidity for Ethereum or Chaincode for Hyperledger Fabric.

Distributed App (DApp) Development

Build decentralised applications (DApps) that leverage blockchain technology for data storage, authentication, and transaction..

Private and consortium blockchain development

Implement private or consortium blockchains for organisations that require permissioned access...

Blockchain Analytics and Reporting

Implement tools and platforms for monitoring and analysing blockchain data, transactions, and network performance.

Training and Education

Provide training and workshops on blockchain fundamentals, smart contract development, and blockchain integration for organisations and developers.

Tokenization and Cryptocurrency Development

Create and launch custom tokens or cryptocurrencies on existing blockchain platforms.

Blockchain Integration

Integrate existing systems or applications with blockchain networks for secure data sharing, traceability, and transparency.


Security and Auditing

Assess and enhance the security of blockchain implementations, including secure key management, encryption, and vulnerability testing.



Designing > Developing > Testing > Deploying Applications


NRT specializes in designing and developing high-quality apps that are user-friendly, feature-rich, and compatible with a wide range of devices.

Why choose NRT as a blockchain developer?

  • NRT Blockchain developers are experts in developing decentralised applications (dApps) using blockchain technology. Here are some reasons why you should consider hiring NRT blockchain developers:
      • Expertise: Our blockchain developers are highly skilled and have extensive experience in developing blockchain solutions. They are proficient in various blockchain platforms, including Ethereum, Hyperledger, and Corda. Our developers have a deep understanding of the latest blockchain technologies, including smart contracts, consensus algorithms, and distributed ledger technology.
      • Customization: Our developers work closely with clients to understand their unique business requirements and provide customised solutions that meet their specific needs. They can develop custom blockchain solutions tailored to meet specific business objectives, delivering an app that meets the client’s exact needs.
      • Security: Blockchain technology is inherently secure, but our developers take extra steps to ensure the security of the application. They implement advanced security features like encryption, multi-factor authentication, and access control to protect your application from unauthorised access and cyberattacks.
      • Collaboration: Our blockchain developers are great collaborators. They work closely with clients, other developers, and project managers to ensure that the project runs smoothly, deadlines are met, and the project is delivered on time and within budget.
      • Ongoing support: Our blockchain developers provide ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that the app continues functioning at peak performance levels. They offer updates, bug fixes, and new feature development, helping clients keep their apps up-to-date and competitive in the marketplace.


NRT Provide The Best Solution

Choosing NRT means selecting excellence, innovation, and reliability for all your IT needs. With a proven track record of delivering top-tier solutions and a commitment to client satisfaction

Key Features

Blockchain Consulting: Consult with clients to understand their business needs and determine the feasibility and potential benefits of implementing blockchain technology.
Blockchain Integration: Integrate existing systems or applications with blockchain networks for secure data sharing, traceability, and transparency.
Private and consortium blockchain development: Implement private or consortium blockchains for organizations that require permission to access and control their blockchain network.
Tokenization and Cryptocurrency Development: Create and launch custom tokens or cryptocurrencies on existing blockchain platforms.
Distributed App (DApp) Development: Build decentralized applications (DApps) that leverage blockchain technology for data storage, authentication, and transaction processing.
Security and Auditing: Assess and enhance the security of blockchain implementations, including secure key management, encryption, and vulnerability testing.
Blockchain Analytics and Reporting: Implement tools and platforms for monitoring and analyzing blockchain data, transactions, and network performance.

Frequently Asked Questions


Designing > Developing > Testing > Deploying Applications


NRT specializes in designing and developing high-quality apps that are user-friendly, feature-rich, and compatible with a wide range of devices.

What is blockchain technology?

Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger technology that records transactions across multiple computers in a secure and tamper-resistant manner. It enables transparent and immutable record-keeping, facilitating trustless transactions and eliminating the need for intermediaries.

What are the advantages of using blockchain technology?

Blockchain technology offers advantages such as transparency, security, immutability, decentralization, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to facilitate peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries.

What types of businesses can benefit from blockchain services by NRT?

Businesses across various industries can benefit from blockchain services by NRT, including but not limited to finance, supply chain management, healthcare, real estate, legal, logistics, gaming, and identity verification.

What blockchain solutions does NRT offer?

NRT offers a range of blockchain solutions, including but not limited to smart contract development, decentralized applications (DApps), tokenization, digital identity solutions, supply chain tracking, decentralized finance (DeFi), and blockchain consulting services.

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